Vermilion Sands

Ompa til du dør Kaizers Orchestra

released: 2001-09-01
on label: Broiler Farm
genre: Gypsy Punk
listen at: Apple Spotify
see also: Album of the Year (85%) • Discogs FaceBook Rate Your Music (3.66 / 5) • Wikipedia

“The mesmerizing debut from Norway’s Kaizers Orchestra is nothing short of a revelation. The sextet unleashes both fury and atmosphere from a heady base of Nordic and Eastern-European folk music. While a whole slew of Scandinavian groups with the same kind of “rock-based” agenda have emerged in recent years, the Kaizers don’t fiddle around with sequencers and keyboards, opting instead for the primal beating of oil drums and the hellbound carnival lurch of a pump organ. There isn’t a single moment on Ompa Til du Dør that isn’t completely riveting.” - James Christopher Monger, AllMusic