Vermilion Sands

Stealth SleepResearch_Facility

released: 2012-04-09
on label: Cold Spring

“Maybe Sleep Research Facility is one of the only artists who truly understands dark ambient. His works are generally inactive affairs, even for ambient, and over the years they have become increasingly more so and altogether more challenging. This time round SRF takes the coordinates skyward for an album dedicated to an aircraft, the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, most commonly known as the Stealth Bomber. The B-2 Spirit is, if anything, an enigmatic creation. Controversial in both cost and deployment, its raison d’etre is to escape enemy notice. Most accurately, it exists to not exist. Captured during a maintenance period within a B2 hangar in the UK, the album is made up of field recordings and other textures and is a highly original work with a completely new angle for the genre – atmospheric, alive, inventive. Its pace is so slow, so incremental and glacial, that it will alienate a lot of listeners, but SRF has never just created dark ambient music but entire sonic constructions, stories and causes where landscapes and machines have their own lives away from their human creators and inhabitants.” - Lysander, Heathen Harvest