Vermilion Sands

Der blaue Planet Karat

released: 1982-03-20
on label: Pool
artist: Karat
genre: Deutschrock
listen at: Spotify YouTube Music
see also: All Music Discogs FaceBook Music Brainz Rate Your Music (3.43 / 5)

“A great record that somehow got through the years pretty unscathed and hasn’t lost any of its topicality in terms of content, quite the opposite. Karat indicate what must have been going on in the minds of hundreds of thousands of residents of the former GDR - address the Cold War and criticize the system. The record is superbly produced and sounds great. Sure, the early 80s are unmistakable, but the songs are timeless. If I remember correctly, the band had some freedom, they were a good figurehead.” - kajuku, RYM (via Google translate)