“Lloyd Cole’s second solo album was about a half-decade ahead of its time. If it had come out in 1996, after the new belief in indie circles that Pet Sounds and Burt Bacharach were musical icons worthy of veneration, this would have slotted right in. But in the year bracketed by My Bloody Valentine’s Loveless and Nirvana’s Nevermind, it was considered a self-indulgent oddity. In retrospect, however, it’s clearly one of Lloyd Cole’s finest works. Paul Buckmaster’s dramatic orchestrations add an entirely new dimension to the darker-edged songs without drowning them in glop. In fact, the arrangements are rather low-key, especially on the haunting, hushed “Margo’s Waltz,” a gorgeous song with a jazzy bass part, subtle vibes, breathy female backing vocals, and almost subliminal brushed drums. It’s among the three or four best songs Cole has ever written. However, it’s only one of many highlights on this exceptional, underrated album.” - Stewart Mason, AllMusic