Vermilion Sands

Django Django Django Django

released: 2012-01-30
on label: Because
artist: Django Django
with some: IndietronicaPsychedelic Pop
more reviews: BBC

“posits an updated psychedelia that beguiles and delights. Their foundations are a rickety, minimal take on the music of the immediate pre-psychedelic era – Hail Bop employs heavily tremeloed surf guitar; Default takes Bo Diddley’s shave-and-a-haircut-two-bits beat and bolts on a jerky R&B guitar line – over which are laid skittering electronics and bleached, vibratoless harmonies. Yet it’s also an exercise in clever restraint: drummer and band mastermind David Maclean often eschews everything bar his kick drum, floor tom, cymbals and tambourines, creating an amniotic throb. Even as the effects pile on, Django Django sound refreshingly minimal. That’s the right choice, because the songwriting here is routinely top-notch, the album gaining impact as it plays and the moods shift imperceptibly.” - Michael Hann, The Guardian