Vermilion Sands

Eternal Home Fire-Toolz

“Angel Marcloid’s seventh album as Fire-Toolz. Her music’s constant juxtaposition of extremities signifies that despite all the conflict and traumatic experiences in her life, she is always safe at home. By this point, Marcloid’s fusion of progressive metal arrangements, black metal howling, and vaporwave textures (including smooth jazz sax soloing) is second nature for her, and she executes every time change, cathartic scream, and sparkling synth tone with finesse and passion. Yet she continues to surprise even longtime listeners with unexpected shifts and additions, while potentially drawing in new fans with her most accessible songwriting to date. Chaotic yet tightly controlled, Eternal Home is boundlessly creative, and up there with Skinless X-1 as Marcloid’s best work.” - Paul Simpson, AllMusic