Vermilion Sands

Edgar Broughton Band Edgar Broughton Band

released: 1971-05
on label: Harvest
listen at: Spotify
see also: All Music Discogs FaceBook Rate Your Music (3.71 / 5) • Wikipedia

“The most conventional of the their first (and best) three albums, this finds the group dispensing with the no-holds-barred mania and theatricality and concentrating instead on more musical endeavours. The lilting chant “Thinking About You,” with its spectral reminders of John Lennon’s “Working Class Hero,” is certainly one of their most rancorous concoctions, while “Evening Over Rooftops” rides an acoustic guitar as pretty as its flowery lyric, but you know there’s something rotten squirming just below the surface, even if you can never quite put your finger on it. The pure pop backing vocals, all “sha-la-la” and “doo-be-doo-be-doo,” of course, only add to your unease. And, as that is merely the opening number, you can guess what you’re in for over the rest of the album long before you actually get it.” - Dave Thompson, AllMusic