Vermilion Sands

Images on Guitar Baden Powell

released: 1971-10
on label: MPS
artist: Baden Powell
genre: Samba-Jazz
listen at: Spotify YouTube Music
see also: All Music Discogs FaceBook Music Brainz Rate Your Music (3.79 / 5)

“MPS’s remastering of an album he made for them in late 1971 with French singer Janine de Waleyne, plus occasional backing from Ernesto Gonsalves on double bass, Joaquim Paes Henriques on drums and Alfredo Bessa on percussion. As a player who stuck with the nylon-stringed guitar, Baden Powell had a precise, classical style, particularly prominent on Petit Waltz, Conversação Comigo Mesmo and Sentimentos, the latter a stunningly beautiful piece for solo guitar. The voice of de Waleyne with its clarity and cool, operatic swoops, as on Violao Vagabundo, is a good fit with the music.” - Peter Jones, London Jazz News