Vermilion Sands

Second Album Curved Air

released: 1971-09-09
on label: Warner Bros.
artist: Curved Air
with some: Psychedelic Rock
listen at: Apple Spotify YouTube Music
more reviews: Progrography

“British Progressive Rock group Curved Air was one of the most unique and ambitious representatives of the genre. They were fronted by the charismatic and idiosyncratic female vocalist Sonja Kristina and included two classically trained musicians: violinist Darryl Way and keyboardist / guitarist Francis Monkman. The album presented eight original songs written by Way and Monkman, which offered a unique amalgamation of British Folk, Classical Music, Electronic Music, Rock and Jazz influences, unmatched by any of their contemporaries. When originally released the album (and the group) achieved both commercial success and critical acclaim, despite its unconventional sound and complexity. Curved Air were one the first British acts to use the violin in their lineup and the first to feature violin to such an extent.” - Jazzis, RYM