“Barry Adamson’s early work is all extremely murky and cinematic, frequently dealing with issues of race, and in that sense, ‘Soul Murder’ can be considered his definitive early work. While his later albums delved into more vocal tracks and a lighter, more electronic-friendly sound, this album is pure, filthy, jazzy, noir nastiness. A lot of the album is still the filmic noir instrumentals that characterized his debut, ‘Moss Side Story’, all tense and cinematic, often with ambient noise, and tracks such as “The Violation of Expectation” and “Reverie” mining similar territory to Angelo Badalamenti’s work with David Lynch. Some hints of the more electronic nature of his later albums does appear here, however, such as the industrial beats of “Suspicion”, or the reggaedub John Barry tribute, “007, a Phantasy Bond Theme”. While not quite as distinctive and sharp as his late nineties albums, this is a strong introduction to Adamson at his most murky and troubling.” - jshopa, RYM